Workout Plans for Beginners: Where Do You Start and How Do You Stay Consistent?


Ideas for Workout Plans for Beginners and How To Stick to Them

Working out shouldn’t be viewed as a chore. Exercise is a privilege that not every person can enjoy. Staying active keeps you both mentally and physically in shape. It heightens your mood, increases your lifespan, and helps you look awesome in your skinny jeans. But let’s be real, finding the time to workout is difficult. We all want the benefits of working out, however, few of us find time to do it. 

But difficult and impossible are two different things. It may be difficult to squeeze time into your busy schedule to workout, but not impossible. Your health should be a priority, meaning exercise should be as well. 

Keep reading for tips on workout plans for beginners and how to stick to them. 

1. Stay Consistent With an Activity you like

You must stay consistent with your exercise plan if you want to see results. Doing a few crunches here and there every week won’t cut it. Ideally you should aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 days a week or more. 

To be successful, you need to pick an activity or exercise plan you like. You are more likely to stick to an exercise regime if you enjoy it. There are plenty of different workout plans for beginners you can try. Experiment with different activities, fitness classes, or workout plans for beginners until you find one that works for you. 

2. Plan Your Workouts Ahead of Time

Skipping your weekly workout sessions will be inevitable unless you plan for them. It’s easy to get caught up with everyday life and push your workouts to the next day, which gets pushed back to the next day, and so on. 

Make your workouts a priority by scheduling them like you would any other important appointment. Put them in your calendar and let the people in your life know you will be busy during those times. Your health is just as important as any other appointment or social obligation. Take time for your health now or you will pay for it later. 

3. Don’t Beat Yourself Up

While you should do your best to maintain your workout schedule, understand that life happens. You won’t always be able to get your workout done. Sometimes life gets crazy and sometimes you just don’t feel up to it. 

It’s okay to take a day off when you need to, you’re not always going to be perfect. But don’t let a day off kill your momentum. Get back on track the very next day. If you miss a workout today, make it up the next day. Give yourself a break now and then, but never slack. Rule of thumb, never go more than 2 days without exercising. 

4. Hold Yourself Accountable

To achieve success with any workout plans for beginners, you must find a way to hold yourself accountable. It’s easier to cheat when no one’s watching, which is why you need someone watching. Tell your friends, family, or co-workers about your fitness goal.

Let them know your plans to get fit. You’ll be less likely to slack on them if you know someone is holding you accountable. There’s more pressure to succeed when you know other people are holding expectations for you. Don’t let them down!

5. Never Begin a Workout Without a Plan

Any kind of exercise is good for you but not all workouts are created equal. To see results, you need to be challenging yourself. If you show up to the gym with no plan, you’re not going to get the best workout. Consider joining an online fitness program to take you through workout plans for beginners that will teach you the basics. 

An online fitness coach will teach you proper form during exercises, so you get the most benefits out of your workouts. They will also help you challenge yourself so that you can break through fitness plateaus and get the results you want. An online fitness program will show you what to do every workout, so you’ll never be without a plan.

6. Keep Track of Your Progress

Keep track of your progress throughout your fitness journey. Before you consider starting any workout plans for beginners, take a photo of yourself, and track your weight and measurements. Keep track of your progress by comparing these numbers and photos each week. 

Staying on track of your progress can be motivating when you see the changes you’ve made. It will also help you adjust your course should you not see progress. No significant progress after a few weeks may mean you need to adjust your diet or exercise plan. 

7. Find A Workout Buddy

Recruit a friend or family member to join you on your fitness journey. Workout plans for beginners are much more fun when you’re doing them with someone else. Having a friend to work out with will help you stay motivated. 

They can also help hold you accountable for sticking to your workout plans. You’ll be less likely to ditch your cycling class, for example, if you know your friend is counting on you to be there. Plus, having a friend who shares the same fitness goals as you will make the journey a lot more fun. 

8. Enjoy Yourself

Getting healthy and fit should be fun. Yes, there will be days you have to push yourself a little harder to workout. You won’t always feel like a bright ball of energy. But exercise should be something you look forward to. Once you get into the habit of working out, you’ll be addicted to the feeling it gives you afterward. 

If you’re not enjoying yourself, try different workout plans for beginners. There’s something out there for everyone. Also, don’t get caught up on seeing fast results. Everyone is different and will progress at a different pace. Give your body time to adjust to your new fitness program. Getting fit and strong is a lifestyle, not a quick fix. Learn to enjoy the process of becoming a fitter, healthier, you. 

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